Por ocasião da Semana Internacional do Acesso Aberto, estamos a organizar um webinar sobre os modelos de financiamento de acesso aberto na Cogitatio Press. Apresentaremos as modalidades de financiamento e teremos o feedback de institutições europeias que colaboraram connosco.
O webinar realiza-se no dia 25 de outubro pelas 15h.
O Webinar decorrerá em inglês, fique a par dos detalhes do programa.
Cogitatio Press’ Institutional Membership Program
Academic publishing is facing a number of challenges, including the rising cost of article processing charges (APCs). APCs can be a significant burden for researchers, especially those in their early career or from underfunded institutions.
In this webinar, we will present Cogitatio Press’ institutional membership program as an alternative to the APC model.
We will discuss the details of our program and show how it can work for both funders and researchers. We will also share the testimonials of long-time members of our program.
Who should attend:
– Librarians
– Funders
– Anyone interested in the future of academic publishing
What you will learn:
– How our institutional membership program works;
– The benefits of our institutional membership program for publishers and researchers;
– How to implement our institutional membership program at your institution and what you should expect for the future.
Register today to learn more about how Cogitatio Press’ institutional membership program can make academic publishing more sustainable and equitable for all.
– Rodrigo Silva (Cogitatio Press, Portugal)
– Louise Otting (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
– Sanna Toivola (University of Jyväskylä, Finland)
– Agathe Gebert (GESIS, Germany)